The project explores life on The Plains through photography and fiction. Every day in 2017, I will send a postcard to someone with a sentence or two on the back. The complete stories are collected here. The images were chosen at random and have no direct connection to the words; however, I encourage you to make those connections.
Clicking on an image in the story will provide a full screen pictures that serve as a slideshow.
Postcards are available in random collections of 10 for 20 dollars.
Limited 12 X 18 metallic prints are available for 175 dollars.
The project was aided by an artist-in-residence program at Lester Raymer Society & The Red Barn Studio in Lindsborg, Kansas.
I would like to thank the following people for their generous support and expertise: Todd Race, Marsha Howe, Joan Kimball, James Talley, Anne Russ, Seth Wiley, Laura Mombello, Doug Worgul, Jarrod Roark, Scott Guldin, Miles and Quinn Luce, and Jennifer Copeland.
Please contact me @ mslucephotography @ gmail dot com for any more information.